Geography Game - Africa
Educative game that make geographic fun. This game is on Africa
Изиграни: 2,363
Додадена на: 8 Јуни 2008
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Geography Game - Africa
Educative game that make geographic fun. This game is on Africa
Изиграни: 2,363
Додадена на: 8 Јуни 2008
Додадена од:
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How much do you know?! Show off your skill and compete against others in this...
(Изиграни: 4 121)
Around the world in 120 seconds
Put your geography to the test. Place the locations on the right continents.
(Изиграни: 2 822)
Can you locate the countries in Europe on the map? Put your geography skills ...
(Изиграни: 3 394)
Educative game that make geographic fun. This game is on South America
(Изиграни: 2 531)
Educative game that make geographic fun. This game is on Middle East
(Изиграни: 2 105)
Poaching in Africa is out of control and it is your job to get it back under ...
(Изиграни: 1 745)
Indicate the location of the country by clicking the mouse on the map.
(Изиграни: 1 270)
- This is a small educational game, where you must guess the correct country ...
(Изиграни: 1 195)
Take this rapid fire, one minute quiz and find out how well you know differen...
(Изиграни: 2 482)
Вкупно игри: 4 470
Изиграни денес: 319
Вкупно изиграни: 7 766 862
Играчи во моментот: 56
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